Please note the website is not taking orders until I am back in the studio. I am off work for an operation and work is only available to purchase in store until my return. We are open Monday-Saturday 10-5.30 and 2nd Sunday of each month 11-5pm.
Please note the website is not taking orders until I am back in the studio. I am off work for an operation and work is only available to purchase in store until my return. We are open Monday-Saturday 10-5.30 and 2nd Sunday of each month 11-5pm.
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About Eve

As a designer maker, I have my own practice in Manchester Craft & Design Centre, where I set up Divinity studio in 2003. Here I sell my handmade collections and create one-off pieces for commissions and exhibitions. I have established a reputation for fresh & innovative jewellery. The understated elegance of the work brings together an innovative use of precious & semi-precious metals, enamelling, diamonds and pearls to create timeless classics designed to be worn everyday.
I have exhibited my work nationally and internationally and have also curated a
number of exhibitions incorporating international makers. I am a member of Precious Collective, ACJ, British Society of Enamellers, Guild of Enamellers, Founder of Manchester Jewellers Network (although no longer in MJN due to other commitments) & set up Crafters Inc. in 2015 which is a collective of multidisciplinary makers.
Jewellery is my life. When I am not making it I am almost certainly thinking about it. I was born in Ireland, as a small child I was always 'making things and fixing yokes' as we say in Ireland. After doing a foundation in crafts I realised I love working with metal and jewellery design was the perfect fit for my creativity. 
I came to Manchester in 1988 to continue my art studies, specialising in Jewellery Design. On completing my BTEC in Jewellery I went to London to do a BA Hons and graduated from Central St Martins College of Art & Design in 1993.

I am inspired by a variety of things, people and places. It could be anything from grafitti to a stained mediterranean wall on holiday. I have always loved kinetics and movement and look around at the way things are made and connected in everyday life. I love the industrial landscape of Manchester.

In my spare time I go to galleries and museums for inspiration. I also like walking in the countryside and observing the tiny details of shapes and textures in nature. Experimenting in the kitchen and creating exciting meals for family & friends is another obsession of mine. I love to travel to hot countries and to visit family & friends in my hometown in Ireland near the sea.
Making things with my hands feels integral to my being at this stage and I can't imagine doing anything else.